
Valentine's Day

Saint Valentine's Day is celebrated on the 14th of February. It's named after one or more early Christian martyrs with the name of Valentine. Today It is primarily celebrated as a day for sweethearts and loved ones. According to Wikipedia, "The day first became associated with romantic love in the circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in the High Middle Ages, when the tradition of courtly love flourished."

One traditionally shows affection by giving flowers, candy, and or Valentine cards.
Valentine's Day is a special time for a gal to show her guy she cares, and vice versa.
It can also be a special time to show your love to family and friends. It doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate. As with all gestures of kindness it's the thought that counts, and of course the attitude with which you give.

Hand made paper cards are a great way to put your feelings into words. Hearts and doilies on homemade crafts add to the beauty of the occasion. Be sure to let little ones get in on the fun and creativity.

Have a little family party, bake heart shaped cookies or just buy special pink and white snacks from the store. Make mailboxes from paper plates or old shoe boxes, and put pre-made cards inside to be read together at a certain time on the big day.

Pick a good old sentimental family movie. Go to the local library and stock up on valentine stories for all ages then snuggle in the family room for a good read aloud time of togetherness. Whatever you plan, make sure that each one feels loved and special when the day is done.

Have a super happy Valentine's Day!

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