It's now about three o'clock in the morning.


Weekly Wrap-Up

We're on our 11th week of school. I have a 6th grader this year. She's a joy to teach, and this is our first time to participate in Weekly Wrap-Up ~Thanks Kris .

We use primarily Abeka curriculum. Though we incorporate lots of other resources. I love free resources from online, so you'll always find freebies here.

In Language, we covered prepositional phrases, and diagraming sentences.

In Science we finished a chapter on Mammals, and will take the chapter test next week.

In Health we're studying the importance of eating healthy, and how to check labels, as well as plan healthy snacks.

In McGraw-Hill Spectrum Phonics, we're on roots, (a word part) not to be confused with root words. ie the root spec meaning to see, look, or watch, could be used to form the word spectacular, meaning something wonderful to "look" at.

In keeping with the season this month we're reading Stories of the Pilgrims written by Margaret B. Pumphrey. We actually have the book, but you can read it free online here. I highly recommend reading it.

We use Abeka Math. For the past few weeks we've been on fractions, advancing then to decimals, and we're now on percents. This week we've covered,
* introduction to percents,
* subtracting from 100%,
* interchanging fractions,
* percents and decimals, and
* finding the percent of a number.
Kayla accidentally invented a new word this week ....fractiomals. We had a good laugh.

We're incorporating Home Economic lessons also, our favorite site for this is, Future Christian Homemakers. There are free pdf lessons. Kayla also helped make dinner tonight.

That about "wraps" up our homeschool week.

For any interested, I have some free resources here on 1Homeschool, Just look on my sidebar, or click here for writing and here for multiplication. My sister is a tutor and has even more free resources at Homeschool 4 free.

Thanks for reading.

Head on over to Weird Unsocialized Homeshcoolers for more Weekly Wrap-Ups.


  1. Glad you joined the wrap-ups. I can't wait to check out all the freebies.
    Janet W

  2. Looks like you guys had a great week. I have to remember to add some Thanksgiving reading into our days :)

  3. Wow, sounds like you guys had a productive week. Thanks for the links!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy