It's now about five past two in the afternoon.


Staying Comfy: November

November is a time when many celebrate Thanksgiving.
What do you do to make your family's Thanksgiving a rewarding time?
Do you host Thanksgiving at your own house, or visit family and friends?
Do you have special decorations, or dishes you use?
What's your family's favorite thing to eat on Thanksgiving? What are you most thankful for?
What do you do after dinner?
Do you stress out during the Thanksgiving season?
Do you shop the next day?
If you homeschool, do you do anything different for Thanksgiving in your homeschool?

*Thanks for sharing. Be sure to read the other Staying Comfy posts by clicking the links below.*

Aunt B
Tracy's Corner
Sports Girl For Christ

1 comment:

  1. ♥ Tammy,
    I made a Staying comfy blog BUT I forgot to post a link..... lol sorry :D ♥


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy