
Happy Thanksgiving

image fm Karen's Whimsy
Hope you all are in a grateful frame of mind. We have so much to be thankful for. This year we've been busy with 9th grade homeschool and thinking about credits and high school transcripts. It's such a privilege to homeschool. We're reminded continually of the advantages. Hope your homeschool Thanksgiving is a happy and peaceful one this year. What ever grade/s you're involved with. Here are some Thanksgiving sites that are geared a little more towards teens.
 Teen Guide to Surviving Thanksgiving
 Thanksgiving crafts for teens and tweens
and as always there are lots of lovely Thanksgiving pages and worksheets at
Aunt B's Homeschool for free.



  1. Thank you Tammy for the links.
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy Homeschooling! Aunt B

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I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy