
Meal Planning

We're getting back into homeschool September 3.  Ninth grade!  We're excited, but first we're headed for vacation. One more summer fling before we settle down to work. Back into the routine of things.

One thing that helps our routine, time wise and financially is meal planning. We actually eat better and spend less when we plan our menu for the week, and buy accordingly.
Want to give it a try? Here are some tips and ideas to get you started.

Here at The Better Mom there are tips, recipes, and menu lists and ideas.

and Here at Organized Home there is a pdf download of their Weekly Menu Planner. http://organizedhome.com/printable/household-notebook/weekly-menu-planner

Do you plan your meals or just wing it?


  1. Hey Tammy, I think I'm gonna have to talk to Roger about trying to start planning our meals, It seems like it would be simpler to know what you're gonna eat instead of scrambling through the fridge!

  2. Has anyone tried the printable planners at www.your-printable-planner.com?
    There is a menu planner there too.

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I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy