
Thankful to be a Homeschool Mom

As we near Mother's Day, I remember fondly my own Mother. She has passed on, but she left me with much love and wisdom. She was a wonderful Christian lady. I still find I need her often. I too have children now and am glad for the privilege to be called Mom. I am so thankful too for the opportunity to homeschool my kids.
This week we've finished up with seventh grade. We all went out for pizza to celebrate the beginning of the summer break. Some homeschool families prefer to school year round, but here at 1 homeschool we find that a break from routine helps us refuel and fire up for the next grade with more enthusiasm and a fresh outlook. Eighth grade will be coming up soon enough, but for now we'll be just kicking back and enjoying some summer fun.
On facebook a few days ago I saw a sign that said... IF YOU CAN READ THIS, THANK A TEACHER. My daughter, looking over my shoulder leaned down, hugged me and said, "Thanks Mom". ~A proud moment for me. One of many in the journey of motherhood.
More Mother's Day inspiration here.

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  1. Loved reading your post! Thank you so much for joining us for THANKFUL THURSDAY this week! :)

  2. How sweet, that visual you offered of your daughter leaning over to thank you! :) Thank you for linking up at www.GettingDownWithJesus.com

  3. It's great being a mother and even better to be a blessed homeschool mom. I love those little thankful times.
    Good job Peach! Mom needed that rose of appreciation.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy