
Start Your Day With A Box!

Carnival of Homeschooling
One troublespot we sometimes have in our homeschool day is getting started. Usually, we start to work after breakfast, but the kids are not always in the "working mood". If they have freeplay, watch TV, or even get online while I'm preparing breakfast, then it's hard for them to shift into a learning gear when it's time. Their minds may still be on a favorite show or game.

So we created a special activity box. Oh I know as homeschoolers we all have games and activities everywhere, but in our box we put some special little inexpensive things. We can change them often to keep interest, and we only play with them right before homeschool begins so that it's not just something they're used to.

For example we might...
1. Print these tangrams or these fall memory cards, from the internet. You can change them with the seasons and holidays. There are many possibilities.
2. Add some things we find around the house like, a few Lego blocks, and old dominoes not being used, some checkers to stack.
3. Go to Wal-Mart and look in the craft & party supplies for inexpensive things like, pick-up-sticks, or puffy foam beads and letters.The possibilities are endless, and as with all things "homeschool", we can personalize to meet specific needs and ages.
Just put in a lot of little things, out of the ordinary,and easily changeable you get the picture. We put ours in sandwich bags for a quick find. Then, while I'm making breakfast, I bring out our activity box. I have the kids get up at the bar and choose an activity. They can be really creative. Then by the time we eat, their minds are awake and ready for learning and working.

Do you have a special way to start your day? Feel free to comment here, and let me know. Thanks for reading.


  1. What a great idea - with many applications. I like the idea of kick starting your day like this too but I can see a box like that being useful to take out when mum has coffee with a friend, or visiting someone in hospital, or waiting for an appointment. Love it!

  2. We start our day with outside chores but it would be a nice transition between coming in and getting them going. Great idea I am thinking of some things already!

  3. This is great - I think I'll be trying this because you're right - if the kids get occupied with anything in the morning that isn't school or brain related, it's very hard to focus them for the work ahead!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy