
My Mom

My Mom was a great woman. She has gone on to her reward, but I'd like to remember her today on her birthday.
I remember waking up to the sound of her praying every morning. When she was through she'd get her old guitar and sing to the Lord.
She was a really good singer. She got lots of practice. She sung to every baby around. Including all the seven girls she raised.
I'm glad she raised us all to love the Lord. She always witnessed to everyone around, and was a great inspiration.
I'll meet her again someday when my work is done. Until then I'll remember the legacy she left behind, and teach my kids about the Lord like she did.

1 comment:

  1. I love the post about Mom, I had to post one too. I think about her so much, but especially on her Birthday. Thanks Tam, It was a blessing. I know you miss her too. Love, Aunt B


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy