
Always Learning

Peach’s best homeschool friend moved away last November to a neighboring state. Yesterday she went with her aunt to pick up said friend, and in turn had a “hands on” geography lesson. She learned about how to use a GPS, and that you should always make sure about the daylight savings time. They returned home a quite a bit earlier than what it said! Today too we had a small field trip. Peach had a hair appointment, so her friend got to go to the salon and watch. It was fun and very educational. Then we went across the street where I renewed my driver’s license. They enjoyed seeing me get my picture taken, and watching me take the eye exam. We learned about license plates, and the stickers they have. I want my homeschoolers to grasp that life is all about learning, that they can gain knowledge everywhere, not just in class.

1 comment:

  1. I love what you've done with your blog. I read your posts. VERY INTERESTING~ Hey, How did Peaches hair turn out? Tell her to write about the visit with her Friend the "Steve-ster" on her blog. I'll come back later. I enjoyed the visit.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy