It's now about twenty-five to five in the morning.


Staying Comfy September

Staying Comfy: Fall is just around the corner! How do you decorate for Autumn? Do you go on nature walks? How do you winterize your garden and plants? Are you still having to mow? Do you make fall crafts to sell at a festival? What's fun or comforting to you about starting back to school? What do you enjoy doing after school work or teaching is done?

Click the links below to read Staying Comfy posts.
Aunt B
Thoughts N Things



  1. Fall is my ut-most favorite time of the year. Fall in NY is just FAB! However, trees are starting to change, nights have been cooler BUT it was still almost 90 yesterday YUK! I want to wear the jeans, sweaters and socks!

    We love to decorate for the Fall...have playdates and more!

  2. September and October is when we take our

    The advantages of having raised our children
    and having grandbabies.

  3. Hi Tammy,
    Sorry I missed your Meme, It would have been an easy, and fun one for me. Fall is my favorite season, I love decorating and seeing the leaves change,and having cooler weather.
    Hope your new school year is going well. I have had a very busy summer.


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy