It's now about ten to eight in the morning.


Fun Summer Ideas

Summer is in full swing. Complete with friends, family, lemonade, and sunshine. The sun can be so wonderful, but everyone knows the danger of too much of a good thing. In the recent past we were encouraged to slather on the sunscreen. A new study has recently found though, that particular sunscreen ingredients may be linked to increased risks of skin cancer. Read more here. So what are we to do? Our plan is just to limit time spent in the sun, and to avoid those midday hours when the sun is at it's peak.

On a more positive note, We have some fun things our family likes to do outside when the weather permits.

A picnic in a shaded area is always nice. Visit an area park. Usually late afternoon is best when slides and swings are cooler. Playing with the water hose is always a winner in the summer too.

And when it's just too hot outside, there's always, family movie time. Break out the popcorn, and a favorite kid movie. You can even rent a new release.

Make some lemonade, grab some snacks, and get out the board games. Make it fun! Get excited when you win. LOL

There's always the computer too. Here at Kaboose are some fun summer games to keep you busy till it's cool enough to get outside. We've recently found a couple of game sites that let you play full versions FREE with advertisements in the middle of the games. Really! One is Most Fun, and the other is iwin. Try them out.

Whatever you do, stay cool, be thankful, spend time with family, stay safe, and have a great summer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tammy! Just wanted to stop by and say hi! I've not been around visiting blogs much lately. I hope you're doing well. I also wanted to let you know that my blog, Living Life, is now called Truth and Grace Ministries Blog. I switched it and my ministry site over to a new format.

    Hope you're having a wonderful summer!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy