It's now about quarter past two in the morning.


Friend Makin Mondays --hairstyles

At aefilkins today the topic is ... haircuts/hairstyles.

My hair is about shoulder length, I'll probably get it cut a little shorter this spring. I'm so cold right now I actually wish I had more hair, but IF I did get a cut it would probably be something like the third picture down in Amber's post.
One good thing about getting a cut in the winter is that if you don't like it you can always hide it under a hat.

Want to see more hairstyles? Head on over to Miss Ambers @ (aefilkins).



  1. I love the third picture. Jessica Simpson hair super cute!!

    Happy FMM

  2. That hairstyle is super adorable! Wouldn't it be great to have an expensive stylist that could make our hair look great all the time!

  3. I would love to have short hair if only I looked good with it. It's hard when you have chubby cheeks to pull it off. :)

  4. Haha "if you don't like it you can always hide it under a hat" That's too funny :)

  5. Love that look!

    Happy Friend Makin Monday!


I love comments! Thanks for taking the time to write. Tammy