It's now about quarter past eight in the morning.


Fun Summer Ideas for Homeschool Families!

Another wonderful summer! Full of possibilities. Make it fun for your homeschooler/s. Here's a list of 101 Fun things to do with your kids this summer. They're nice on the budget too.


Easter Tips for Kids and Families

Happy Good Friday!! I'm so glad that Jesus died for our sins. Paid the price for our salvation. Most of all I'm glad that He rose and is alive! A word of caution though. Before showing excerpts of The Passion in your church, realize there are children there. It's enough for kids to hear that Jesus died for their sins without being visually shocked or scared by graphic pictures / videos. Mark 10:15-16 says Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them (the children) up in his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them. They loved Jesus and weren't scared at all. There will be time when they're more mature to gain a better understanding of the price payed. Let's celebrate the resurrection this Sunday with the whole family!

Also here's an Easter food safety reminder... Put eggs back into the frig within 2 hours of boiling to prevent spoilage bacteria via USDA. Check the sites out here.

Clemson food safety